Free PSM Practice Exam: Product Scrum Master

  • Questions :20 Question.
  • Duration : 20 Min
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- You can retake the test as many times as you would like. - The progress at the top of the screen will show you the time remaining in the test. - You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. - If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately finish the last question.

Course Description

About this course

These simulated practice exams will improve your Scrum knowledge & help you become a certified Professional Scrum Master

Validate your Scrum framework knowledge and demonstrate your fundamental level of Scrum mastery by earning the Professional Scrum Master (PSM 1) certification!

The Scrum Master is one of the most important roles in the Agile Scrum team. And, as it goes, the higher the level of importance, the higher the earning potential.

So what does the Scrum Master do?

In short, the Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Agile Scrum. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, ceremonies, rules, and values, while also removing project roadblocks, assisting with backlog management, practicing agility, and facilitating events and ceremonies as needed.

So, with the position being well compensated, having interesting responsibilities, and being a key part of the Agile team, I have a question for you…

Have you considered becoming a Scrum Master?

Well, just like a Scrum Master helps the team achieve their goals, we want to help you achieve yours! We proudly introduce you to our Professional Scrum Master Practice Exams!

And even if playing the role of a Scrum Master isn’t of interest to you, having that level of in-depth knowledge of Scrum would significantly elevate the value you can bring to your Agile Scrum team and your organization.

Enrollment into our practice test course provides you access to two simulated practice exams. The contained 150 questions will not only prepare you to pass the PSM but our detailed explanations on each question will also greatly enhance your Scrum Guide knowledge.

So regardless of whether you want to become a certified Scrum Master, gain notoriety for having a coveted certification, or you want to increase and validate your knowledge of Agile Scrum, these practice exams are exactly what you are looking for!

This quiz version is for learning. Each question has an explanation. No time limit. No need to answer all questions to finish the quiz.

Pass the quiz several times and you will be prepared well for the real assessment!

Note: We are not affiliated with Scrum.org and do not claim that our contents are endorsed and confirmed by Scrum.org, but we work hard in this context to prepare and evolve quality content continuously.

Get ready to achieve certified status.

Enroll and Prepare to Pass!

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Free PSM Practice Exam: Product Scrum Master


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